GURPS — 4E — Action 1 — Heroes ENG

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Stock #37-0307Version 1.0 � July 2008 Written by SEAN PUNCH Shawn Fisher and Hans-Christian Vortisch Paul Chapman and Thomas Weigel , Warehouse 23, and the all-seeing pyramid are registered trademarks of Steve Jackson Games Incorporated. System Design NIKOLA VRTIS NIKOLA VRTIS players.Our address is SJ Games, P.O. Box write us! We can also be reached by e-mail: and many more top games � and other Wars, Transhuman Space, The modern cinematic thriller seems like simple-minded ries proved the timelessness of its key motives: honor, loyalty, Action Who�s Who player�s toes is to start with a To use a tem- open, and write down the abilities this gives you. To cus- tomize your PC, spend any additional points from quirks or How to Use Character Templates EMPLATES 20 points chosen from Filch or Stealth, both (A) DX [2]; Area Knowledge (any) or Current Affairs (any), both (E) IQ+1 [2]; Holdout, Interrogation, Photography, Propa- ganda, Research, Shadowing, or Smuggling, all (A) IQ [2]; Brainwashing, Cryptography, Forgery, Intelligence Analy- sis, or Psychology, all (H) IQ-1 [2]; Observation or Search, both (A) Per [2]; 2 more points in any lens skill to raise it by Social Traits: Officially sanctioned spies plate�s Duty and spend some of its advantage points (or that take many game sessions to execute. Ideally, they want a a wire rat, and several infiltrators. A hacker is vital for high- assassins, cleaners, and shooters aren�t welcome, and a medic that executes clandestine ops in enemy territory. Such a unit wouldn�t be without shooters, a demolition man, a medic, and gator in the form of an intelligence officer. A dedicated sniper an ace shooter. Cleaners and infiltra- tors are only likely if seconded from an intelligence agency, scenes spooks (and often NPCs). If there�s a wheel man, he�ll tions. The dominant lens is military. demolition men, shooters, and wheel men, led by a face man. Information-gathering � by hackers, infiltrators, investigators, be among the services offered. A The PCs are super-spies � real Bond types (or Powers types, in a silly game). enough; in practice, movies are full of such �spies,� often backed by a cleaner. Medic is probably the least-fun role here. Task Force: 14-15. This might seem to contradict common wisdom that The rifle is the first weapon you learn how to use, because it ST 11 [10]; DX 14 [80]; IQ 14 [80]; HT 11 [10]. 11 [0]; Will 14 [0]; Per 14 [0]; FP 11 [0]; Basic Speed 6.00 Advantages: Luck [15] and Unfazeable [15]. � A further 30 to +3 [10/level], DX +1 [20], IQ +1 [20], HT +1 to +3 [10/level], Will +1 to +6 [5/level], Per +1 to +6 [5/level], Acute These templates offer Luck as a �mandatory� andLuck[15]. � A further 30 po ints chosen from among lens advan- tages (pp. 4-5), ST +1 to +3 [10/level], DX +1 [20], IQ +1 Speed +1 [20], Basic Move +1 to +3 [5/level], Absolute Tim- ger Sense [15], Daredevil [15], Gizmos 1-3 [5/gizmo], GunPerks [1/perk], Hard to Kill [2/level], High Manual Dexter-ity 1-4 [5/level], Rapid Healing [5]or Very Rapid Healing (anywhere) [1], Signature Gear [Varies], Unfazeable [15], Wild Talent 1 [20], or replace Luck [15] with Extraordinary Disadvantages:-20 points chosen from among Duty (Agency, or less) [-10, -15, -20], Fanaticism (Employer, nation, or service) [-15], Greed� [-15*],Honesty� [-10*], Intolerance -15 points chosen from among Duty (Agency, Guns (Pistol) (E) DX [1]-12. � (A) DX+1 [4]-13; Cartography, Electronics Operation (Com- munications, Media, Security, Sensors, Research, Speed-Reading, Teaching, or Writing, all (A) IQ+1 [4]-16; Accounting, Forgery, or Intelligence Analysis, ()Background Skills: Choose a 20-point lens (pp. 4-5). � Bicy-cling (E) DX [1]-12 or Driving (Automobile or Motorcycle)(A) DX-1 [1]-11.* Multiplied for self-control number; see p. B120. Greed and Obsession as motivations (but ing consists of many Area Knowledge and Current Affairs spe- another body in a zipper bag before you start asking questions? The hands that heal can also torture and washing, Interrogation, and improved Psychology. a doctor. Crucial training includes combat skills � Corpsmen have their unit�s usual background skills � especially The notes for the intelligence lens apply. Medics Okay, boss, this LTX-71 concealable mike is part of the � Mother, You�re the crew�s ears and eyes. Cameras, mikes, tracking The GM is always free to dispense with templates and HEAT 3D Spatial Sense10B34 Absolute Direction5B34 Absolute Timing2B35 Acute Senses2/levelB35 Alcohol Tolerance1B100 AlliesVariableB36 Ambidexterity5B39 AppearanceVariableB21 Artificer10/levelB90 Breath-Holding2/levelB41 Business Acumen10/levelB90 Catfall10B41 Charisma5/levelB41 Combat Reflexes15B43 Contact GroupVariableB44 ContactsVariableB44 Cultural Adaptability10B46 Cultural Familiarity1B23 Danger Sense15B47 Daredevil15B47 Double-Jointed15B56 Fashion Sense5B21 FavorVariableB55 Fearlessness2/levelB55 Fit5B55 Flexibility5B56 AdvantageCostPage Gizmos5/gizmoB57 Gunslinger25B58 Hard to Kill2/levelB58 Hard to Subdue2/levelB59 Healer10/levelB90 High Manual Dexterity5/levelB59 High Pain Threshold10B59 Higher Purpose5B59 Honest Face1B101 Intuition15B63 Language Talent10B65 LanguagesVariableB23 Legal Enforcement Powers5 to 15B65 Legal Immunity5 to 20B65 LuckVariableB66 Mathematical Ability10/levelB90 Night Vision1/levelB71 No Hangover1B101 Outdoorsman10/levelB91 PatronsVariableB72 Perfect Balance15B74 Peripheral Vision15B74 Photographic Memory10B51 Pitiable5B22 Rapier Wit5B79 ReputationVariableB26 ResistantVariableB80 Security ClearanceVariableB82 Sensitive5B51 Serendipity15/levelB83 Shtick1B101 AdvantageCostPage Signature GearVariableB85 Smooth Operator15/levelB91 Social Regard5/levelB86 Trained by a Master30B93 Unfazeable15B95 Very Fit15B55 Very Rapid Healing15B79 Voice10B97 Wealth10, 20, or 30B25 Wild Talent20/levelB99 Zeroed10B100 DVANTAGES perks. Below, an asterisk (*) indicates a cialty) or by weapon, as noted. You�re not restricted by having two hands full of weapons. You can open doors, reload, doesn�t help you using a weapon in either hand. You must specialize by skill, most often Guns (Pistol). Off-Hand Weapon Training�: You�ve practiced enough that you can ignore the -4 for using the �off� The -4 for a Dual-Weapon Attack (p. B417) still applies. Absent-Mindedness-15B122 Alcoholism-15B122 AppearanceVariableB21 Bad Sight�-10B123 Bad Temper-10*B124 Berserk-10*B124 Bloodlust-10*B125 Bully-10*B125 Callous-5B125 Charitable-15*B125 Chronic Depression-15*B126 Chummy-5B126 Clueless-10B126 Code of Honor-5 to -15B127 Colorblindness-10B127 Compulsive Behavior-5 to -15*B128 Cowardice-10*B129 Curious-5*B129 Delusions-5 to -15B130 Disturbing Voice-10B132 DutyVariableB133 Dyslexia-10B134 Easy to Read-10B134 DisadvantageCostPage EnemiesVariableB135 Fanaticism-15B136 Fat-3B19 Fearfulness-2/levelB136 Flashbacks-5, -10, or -20B136 Gigantism0B20 Gluttony-5*B137 Greed-15*B137 Gregarious-10B126 Guilt Complex-5B137 Gullibility-10*B137 Ham-Fisted-5 or -10B138 Hard of Hearing-10B138 Honesty-10*B138 Horrible Hangovers-1B165 Impulsiveness-10*B139 Insomniac-10 or -15B140 IntoleranceVariableB140 Jealousy-10B140 Kleptomania-15*B141 Klutz-5B141 Laziness-10B142 Lecherousness-15*B142 Loner-5*B142 Low Pain Threshold-10B142 Minor Handicaps-1B165 Miserliness-10*B144 Missing Digit-2 or -5B144 Mistaken Identity-5B21 Motion Sickness-10B144 Nervous Stomach-1B165 Night Blindness-10B144 Nightmares-5*B144 DisadvantageCostPage No Depth Perception-15B145 No Sense of Humor-10B146 No Sense of Smell/Taste-5B146 Oblivious-5B146 Obsession-5 or -10*B146 Odious Personal Habits-5 to -15B22 On the Edge-15*B146 Overconfidence-5*B148 Overweight-1B19 Paranoia-10B148 PhobiasVariable*B148 Post-Combat Shakes-5*B150 Pyromania-5*B150 ReputationVariableB26 Selfless-5*B153 Sense of Duty-2 to -20B153 Short Attention Span-10*B153 DisadvantageCostPage Shyness-5, -10, or -20B154 Skinny-5B18 Slow Riser-5B155 Social Stigma-5 to -20B155 Squeamish-10*B156 Stubbornness-5B157 Stuttering-10B157 Total Klutz-15B141 Trademark-5 to -15B159 Trickster-15*B159 Truthfulness-5*B159 Unfit-5B160 Unluckiness-10B160 Very Fat-5B19 Very Unfit-15B160 Vow-5 to -15B160 Workaholic-5B162 Wounded-5B162 CTIONHEROES HEAT It isn�t to saddle heroes with endless problems in over-the-top action games. Disadvantages serve mostly to ousness offensive, but in action movies, it�s almost endear- ing � and when the hero overcomes his problem, the action his PC�s disadvantages on him during a pivotal action shouldn�t burden true action heroes much in any event � they effectively increase campaign power level. As such, the GM should impose a limit. A suggestion is -50 points of dis- of power level, plus -5 points in quirks. UITABLE In some movie somewhere, you�ll find an action hero who�s trained at just about any skill in the game; e.g., Ryback in However, not every �useful� skill involves driving, fighting, or list deliberately excludes most Melee Weapon skills (pp. B208- SkillTypePage AccountingIQ/HB174 AcrobaticsDX/HB174 ActingIQ/AB174 AdministrationIQ/AB174 Animal Handling*IQ/AB175 Architecture/TLIQ/AB176 Area Knowledge*IQ/EB176 Armoury/TL*IQ/AB178 Artillery/TL*IQ/AB178 Axe/MaceDX/AB208 BicyclingDX/EB180 Boating/TL*DX/AB180 Body LanguagePer/AB181 SkillTypePage BoxingDX/AB182 Brainwashing/TLIQ/HB182 BrawlingDX/EB182 BroadswordDX/AB208 CamouflageIQ/EB183 CarousingHT/EB183 Cartography/TLIQ/AB183 Chemistry/TLIQ/HB183 ClimbingDX/AB183 Computer Hacking/TLIQ/VHB184 Computer Operation/TLIQ/EB184 Computer Programming/TLIQ/HB184 Connoisseur*IQ/AB185 Counterfeiting/TLIQ/HB185 Criminology/TLIQ/AB186 CrossbowDX/EB186 Cryptography/TLIQ/HB186 Current Affairs/TL*IQ/EB186 DancingDX/AB187 Diagnosis/TLIQ/HB187 DiplomacyIQ/HB187 Disguise/TLIQ/AB187 Diving Suit/TLDX/AB192 Driving/TL*DX/AB188 Electrician/TLIQ/AB189 Electronics Operation/TL*IQ/AB189 Electronics Repair/TL*IQ/AB190 Engineer/TL*IQ/HB190 EscapeDX/HB192 Expert Skill/TL*IQ/HB193 Explosives/TL*IQ/AB194 Fast-Draw*DX/EB194 Fast-TalkIQ/AB195 FilchDX/AB195 First Aid/TLIQ/EB195 Forced EntryDX/EB196 Forensics/TLIQ/HB196 Forgery/TLIQ/HB196 Forward Observer/TLIQ/AB196 Freight Handling/TLIQ/AB197 GamblingIQ/AB197 GarroteDX/EB197 GestureIQ/EB198 Gunner/TL*DX/EB198 Guns/TL*DX/EB198 Hazardous Materials/TL*IQ/AB199 HikingHT/AB200 HoldoutIQ/AB200 HousekeepingIQ/EB200 Intelligence Analysis/TLIQ/HB201 InterrogationIQ/AB202 IntimidationWill/AB202 JudoDX/HB203 JumpingDX/EB203 KarateDX/HB203 KnifeDX/EB208 Knot-TyingDX/EB203 Law*IQ/HB204 LeadershipIQ/AB204 LiftingHT/AB205 SkillTypePage Lip ReadingPer/AB205 Liquid Projector/TL*DX/EB205 Lockpicking/TLIQ/AB206 Machinist/TLIQ/AB206 Mechanic/TL*IQ/AB207 MerchantIQ/AB209 Naturalist*IQ/HB211 Navigation/TL*IQ/AB211 NBC Suit/TLDX/AB192 ObservationPer/AB211 Parachuting/TLDX/EB212 Photography/TLIQ/AB213 Physician/TLIQ/HB213 Poisons/TLIQ/HB214 Professional SkillDX/A IQ/AB215 Propaganda/TLIQ/AB216 PsychologyIQ/HB216 Public SpeakingIQ/AB216 Research/TLIQ/AB217 Riding*DX/AB217 RunningHT/AB218 Savoir-Faire*IQ/EB218 ScroungingPer/EB218 Scuba/TLIQ/AB219 Seamanship/TLIQ/EB185 SearchPer/AB219 Sex AppealHT/AB219 ShadowingIQ/AB219 Shiphandling/TL*IQ/HB220 ShortswordDX/AB209 SkiingHT/HB221 Sleight of HandDX/HB221 SmugglingIQ/AB221 Soldier/TLIQ/AB221 SpearDX/AB208 Speed-ReadingIQ/AB222 StaffDX/AB208 StealthDX/AB222 Strategy*IQ/HB222 Submariner/TLIQ/EB185 Sumo WrestlingDX/AB223 Surgery/TLIQ/VHB223 Survival*Per/AB223 SwimmingHT/EB224 TacticsIQ/HB224 TeachingIQ/AB224 ThrowingDX/AB226 Thrown Weapon*DX/EB226 TonfaDX/AB209 TrackingPer/AB226 Traps/TLIQ/AB226 Two-Handed Axe/MaceDX/AB208 Urban SurvivalPer/AB228 VentriloquismIQ/HB228 WrestlingDX/AB228 WritingIQ/AB228 CTIONHEROES HEAT PECIALTIES it�s generally wise to enforce them in order to give each team member his own niche. However, a few skills need only a small There are certain things that it�s hard to imagine an To avoid embarrassing situations where a slick their supporting Talents (Born to Be Wired, Cir- cuit Sense, Craftiness, Driver�s Reflexes, Healer, and Smooth Operator) from the template, and spend the points originally assigned to those things on as much of the wildcard skill as they�ll buy. Use leftover points however you like! (DX). Replaces Fast-Draw (Knife and Pistol), Garrote, Knife, and Stealth. Doesn�t stand in for ranged his combat skill with owing, or Smuggling, or a Per-based roll for Tracking. Holdout, Housekeeping, and Smuggling � and also Animal Handling, Chemistry, Electronics Operation, Explosives, Forgery, and Hazardous Materials whenever the objective is to ing it. Make a Per-based roll for Search or Tracking, or a DX- Explosives (any), and Traps; Architecture and Mechanic when Per-based roll for Search to based roll to attack with Guns (Grenade Launcher and LAW), (IQ). Replaces Acting, Diplomacy, Fast-Talk, ing, and Savoir-Faire � and Administration and Psychology for Dancing, a HT-based roll for Carousing or Sex Appeal, a Will- based roll for Intimidation, or a Per-based roll for Body Lan- I just don�t understand it. ment, military, or security services. Normally, either Assistance Table Rank0* 12345�6�7�8� 35791011121314 � Starting PCs can�t buy Rank 5+ but can be there in play (GM�s option). This advantage�s benefits apply when the user is in his stuff. GURPS High-Tech items. It�s useful even to gamers who own the OOLSAND don�t gear with starting money. They can live in whatever style they like �off the clock� � watch three cop movies and you�ll see three officers at the same pay grade living in a shotgun theless have virtually the same equipment. Watch a mili- tary action movie and you won�t even see the soldiers� home lives! Thus, most PCs shouldn�t take Wealth (p. B25) other than Average. Instead, there are other options. the avails of crime) belongs to the crew, and personal kit is off-limits because it�s easily traced. Thus, most teams have Standard (and Not-so-Standard) Issue Holster, Belt. Holster, Shoulder. For pistols. Enables Holdout, but gives -1 to Fast-Draw. $50, 1 lb. Holster, Sleeve. Bulk 0 or -1 on a Fast-Draw (Pistol) roll. Entire combo has only -2 to Holdout. $500, 0.5 lb. Holster, Undercover. Conceals a pistol: +1 to Holdout, -1 to Fast-Draw. $125, 1 lb. Load-Bearing Vest. an item takes a Ready maneuver � or is a free action with a suitable Fast-Draw roll. Quality bonuses affect DX and Fast- Adds Night Vision 7 to the benefits of another �Red dot� sight gives +1 to Guns out to 300 yards and negates up to -3 in darkness penalties. Not cumula- a McNeal descender. � Virginia Baker, Scuba Gear. Wristwatch. High-quality versions don�t improve skills but GURPS High-Tech exist in an action campaign, but action heroes usually Table explained on p. B282. �cost factors� (CF) that affect cost as explained for tools and Clothing and Armor Table ArmorLocationDRCostWeightNotes Clothing, Formalall0$2402[1] Clothing, High-Fashionall0$3,0001-4[1] Clothing, Ordinaryall0$1202[1] Coat, Longarms, legs, torso0$505[1, 3] Coat, Long Leatherarms, legs, torso1*$25010[1, 3] Collar, Reinforcedneck2$100.5[1] Gloves, Saphands2*$601[1, 5] Gloves, Shootinghands1*$500.5[1] Hat, Leatherskull1*$600.5[1] Visor eyes, face1+$50+0.5[1] Pants, Leatherlegs, groin1*$404[1] Vest, Advancedtorso35/5*$4,60017[1, 10] Vest, Assaulttorso, groin12/5*$9008[7] + Trauma Plates torso+23+$600+8 Vest, Concealabletorso12/5*$1,0002[1, 7] Any TL0-8 weapon from pp. B271-281, GURPS High-Tech, �cost factors� (CF) that alter cost according to the rules for Firearms Table WeaponDamageAccRangeWeightRoFShotsSTBulkRclCostNotes GUNS (GRENADE LAUNCHER) (DX-4 or most other Guns at -4) Grenade Launcher, 40mm6d+2 [2d] cr ex130/4406.3/0.511(3)8�-42$1,550/$10[1] Auto Backup Pistol, .402d+1 pi+1140/1,6001.9/0.436+1(3)8-12$720/$2($37) Auto Pistol, .402d+2 pi+2160/1,8002.3/0.6313+1(3)9-22$770/$4($32) Auto Pistol, .452d pi+2175/1,7002.4/0.8313+1(3)10-23$600/$7($32) Auto Pistol, .50AE4d pi+2220/2,5004.6/0.637+1(3)12-44$1,250/$8($45) Auto Pistol, 9mm2d+2 pi2160/1,8001.9/0.6317+1(3)8-22$600/$5($32) Revolver, .357M3d pi2190/2,1002.9/0.336(6)10-23$850/$3($10) Revolver, .382d pi2110/1,2002/0.336(6)9-22$500/$2($10) Revolver, .44M3d+2 pi+2210/2,3003.1/0.436(6)11-34$770/$4($10) Snub Revolver, .382d-1 pi190/1,0001.2/0.2735(6)9-12$350/$2($10) Taser1d-3 pi-071.1/0.2512(6)7-22$400/$40[2] HT-5(0.5) aff Assault Carbine, 5.56mm4d+2 pi4750/2,9007.3/11530+1(3)9�-42$950/$15($34) Assault Rifle, 5.56mm5d pi5800/3,5008.9/11330+1(3)8�-52$850/$15($34) Sniper Rifle, .506d�2 pi+6+31,700/6,50035/4.4110+1(3)13B�-73$7,775/$44($38) Sniper Rifle, 7.62mm7d pi5+31,000/4,20015/1110+1(3)11B�-63$2,350/$9($50) GUNS (SHOTGUN) (DX-4 or most other Guns at -2) Auto Shotgun, 12G1d+1 pi340/8008.2/0.83�97+1(2i)10�-51/4$1,000/$4[3] Compact Pump Shotgun, 12G1d+1 pi240/8006.7/0.42�94+1(2i)12�-31/6$400/$2[3] Pump Shotgun, 12G1d+1 pi340/8008.3/0.82�97+1(2i)10�-51/5$400/$4[3] GUNS (SMG) (DX-4 or most other Guns at -2) Compact SMG, 9mm2d+2 pi2160/1,8003.8/11530+1(3)8�-22$1,200/$9($34) SMG, .452d+1 pi+3160/1,7006.5/1.61025+1(3)8�-42$900/$13($36) SMG, 9mm3d-1 pi4170/1,9006/1.21330+1(3)8�-42$1,500/$9($29) LIQUID PROJECTOR (SPRAYER) (DX-4 or other Liquid Projector-4) Pepper SpraySpecial�20.11203-1�$10[4] minimum range, not 1/2D.[2] Victim must roll HT-5 or be stunned while trigger is depressed and for (20 -HT) seconds afterward. He can then roll HT-5 to recover. without the multiplier (RoF 2 or 3), and Rcl after theslash (Rcl 4, 5, or 6). [4] Victim must make HT-4 rolls: one to resist coughing (p. B428), another to resist blindness (p. B124). Both endure for minutes Melee Weapons Table WeaponDamageReachParryCostWeightSTHoldoutNotes BRAWLING or DX Brass Knucklesthr crC0$100.25�-1[1] Stun GunHT-3(0.5) affCNo$250.52-1[2] Tonfathr crC0$401.5�-3[1] Combat Knifesw-2 cutC, 1-1$4016-2 thr impC-1��6 Kukrisw-1 cutC, 10$501.57-3 thr-1 impC0��7 Push Knifethr impC-1$300.55-1[3] Switchbladesw-3 cutC, 1No$300.550 thr-1 impCNo��5 Tactical Folding Knifesw-3 cutC, 1-1$300.550 thr-1 impC-1��5 SHORTSWORD (DX-5, Broadsword-2, Jitte/Sai-3, Knife-4, Saber-4, Smallsword-4, or Tonfa-3) Expandable Batonsw cr10$6026-1 thr cr10��6 Police Batonsw cr10$2016-2 thr cr10��6 TONFA (DX-5 or Shortsword-3) Tonfasw cr10$401.57-3[3] thr crC, 10��7 [2] Victim must roll HT-3 or be stunned for as long as weapon is in contact plus (20 -HT) seconds longer. He can then roll vs. HT-3 to recover. GURPS High-Tech tomization options are available, with �cost factors� (CF) that Vehicle Table VehicleST/HPHnd/SRHTMoveLWt.LoadSMOcc.DRRangeCostLocations BOATING (MOTORBOAT) Inflatable Boat20+2/2112/120.60.5+11+42100$2KO Speedboat50+1/311f3/2021+21+93200$18KO HMMWV720/5113/334.11+32+28300$70KG4WX Luxury Car570/411f3/57*2.10.6+31+45500$30KG4W Sports Car57+1/410f5/75*1.80.3+31+34500$85KG4W SUV68-1/411f3/5041.5+31+45400$45KG4W Van68-1/411f2/45*3.51+41+74650$25Kg4W Heavy Bike36+1/210f6/40*0.60.2201+14210$15KE2W Sports Bike30+2/211f8/640.50.2301+14250$18KE2W Hang-Glider16�+3/210c0/250.130.1+111�$4KEWi Light Helicopter53+2/210f2/652.40.7+41+53300$500KGH3W Dive Torpedo20+2/2101/20.190.130144$5.5KE 4-second fuse. Inflicts 5d cr ex. $30, 0.3 lb. 4-second fuse. Inflicts 3d-1 [2d] cr ex. $25, seconds. $35, 1 lb. HT-5, at +5 for each of Protected Hearing and Protected Vision, or be stunned. Roll HT-5 to recover each turn. To avoid confusion with other books, the resulting +1 damage isn�t included on the Melee Weapons Table Armor, 31.

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